Thank you Tiny House People!

November 5, 2016

I am so proud of the Tiny House movement right now!

We are creating significant change!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
If you wrote the new code, thank you!
If you spoke at the conference, thank you!
If you spoke for Tiny Houses anywhere, thank you!

If you signed the petition, thank you!

If you blogged about Tiny Houses, thank you!

If you shared a Tiny House blog post, thank you!

If you opened your home to tours, thank you!

If you shared tiny house pictures, thank you!

If you wrote a tiny house book, thank you!

If you read a tiny house book thank you!

If you wrote an article, made a tour video, introduced Tiny Houses to your coworker, started a meet-up, went to a building class, organized an event, built a Tiny House, hosted a podcast, did an interview, offer a service or product, saved a pinterest pin, hosted a Tiny House on your property, made a documentary, took part in a reality show, donated supplies, offered labor help, taught a seminar, spent your time monitoring a facebook group, answered people’s questions, offered support and kindness on social media, donated to a Tiny House related fund, maintain a Tiny House hotel, if you, follow, read, dream, watch, click, plan, share, or support the Tiny House movement with your heart, thank you!

You have all contributed. Every contribution has proven significant and valuable. We have educated, dreamed, lived, shared, planned, helped, shown, guided, and spoken for our own movement.

We have proven that we can come together and create positive change!

For the dwellers, the builders, the future occupants, planners, and the land renters, the possibility of Tiny Houses becoming legal means acceptance, new opportunities, and freedom!


Come together. Join forces. Reach out.

One. Final. Push.
To take “raising awareness” to “certificate of occupancy!”
This is an urgent order! There is a deadline! Raise your voice! Your action is needed by November 8th!

Follow this link:  for very clear, concise instruction.
Your participation is crucial and I, personally, am so very thankful for you!




  • Reply Kathy November 5, 2016 at 11:13 am

    Thank YOU too!

    • Reply November 5, 2016 at 5:16 pm

      <3 !!!

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