The Vision

January 23, 2014
All the ideas are culminating, one huge volcanic goal, which could erupt any time.  😉  (Start building in a year; it’ll take 1-2 years to finish.)  Simply blurting “we’re going to live in a Tiny house” isn’t enough.  This life plan is about how we want to raise our kids, teach values, handle our finances, and glorify God.  
The Tiny Kasl (haha) is just the beginning. The first of what will eventually be a handful of small dwellings.  It will be built here while we’re living in our current MN single family home and it will be built on wheels.  So when we kick off it will be our insta-house. Built, paid for, and landing wherever we put it. 
Location will be about climate, job location for Ryan, and supportive of our lifestyle.  This will include a great homeschooling and church community. I would love to have a few acres for gardening.  I want to land in California.  Within an hour or closer to the ocean-yes! 
My checklist used to top with a dishwasher and laundry!   Now knocked so far down the list of priorities I’m wondering if I’m still the same person!  God is changing me.  He made me a wife, a mother, and is continuing to transform and use me.  He has used our church, prayer fasts, and our children to show us the path he has for our lives and each reveal is just so crazy.  We could have never planned for ourselves such an amazing life!  He is preparing us.  

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