
July 20, 2014

Today was real.

God is showing us outright.  It’s blatant that, yes, we are following His will for our lives and He is giving us affirmation by clearing the path for us. 

This has been the story since the moment we started praying for a house.  We didn’t even know we were praying for a tiny house!  We basically told God that we would trust Him to take care of our needs.  He has unlimited resources, forever, ever-reaching love for us.  He tells us that all you have to do is ask.  Ask with eagerness, trust, fervor, sincerity, and Glorify God in your asking and receiving.

So we did.  And you know what He provided?

Blueprints. To a tiny house.
Amazing, supportive parents…
who helped us get a truck, to tow a tiny house.
A need, excitement, and desire to minimize.
Bible verses and sermons that confirmed and reassured.
The exact amount of equity we need to finance the build.
People to design and build a tiny house FOR us!

There was one point in the process of being accepted for the show where we were told that we needed a bigger budget in order to move on and lock in.  We knew we could get a handle on the amount required but we had reserved that money to repair the roof of our house.  The roof is in terrible condition.  The shingles are curling and it looks trashy.  We need to get a new roof and the estimate was $5,000.  Without a new roof there would be no selling the house; if we were stuck with the house we would have a major debt issue on our hands. 
We oppose debt at all times.  But God told us to trust. 
He had brought us this far!  Keep moving.  Say yes to every opportunity He provides.

Okay!  So we did it; we were all in.  And passionately trusting.  We had no plan but to follow God’s.
And do you know what happened?
God sent the perfect storm.  And a man who told us he thought he could get us a new roof.  All we could do was pray that the insurance would agree that our roof, which was so very obviously ruined by the sun and time, should be covered by insurance because of storm damage.

The insurance guy came today and gave us a check for $11,000.
We’re getting a new roof for our house and the barn!

My jaw just hangs open. 

But seriously.
Why am I so surprised?  We trusted!  We prayed!  We asked!
Thank you God!  I praise You, God!  You ROCK!
God is providing and we are just engulfed in gratefulness!

Oh, that you would bless us indeed!  And enlarge our territory!  And that your hand would be with us and that you would guide us!  And that you would keep us safe!  And that when we make good decisions that follow Your will for our lives You would bless us so abundantly that blessings would overflow onto the people around us! In Jesus name, Amen!


  • Reply angela joy. August 5, 2014 at 6:00 pm

    Kim, I work with your mom. I love how she talks about this awesome adventure you and your family are on! So so amazing! And what an testamony! Keep sharing 🙂

    • Reply Kim Kasl August 5, 2014 at 6:24 pm

      Thank you Angela! Yes, my Mom has shared with me how much she loves working with you. 🙂 Thank you so much for your supportive comment! I will definitely keep sharing. 🙂

    • Reply Miranda October 26, 2014 at 1:30 am

      I’m loving reading your story and “catching up” with you, Kim! (Hi to Ryan as well!) I’ve got to keep reading to see how you’re enjoying your Tiny House but KUDOS to you for stepping out in faith and trusting the Lord… He’s pretty good at leading us on adventures, right?! Glad to see you’re doing so well! 🙂

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